Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Predicting Baby Gender - Can You Really Choose Your Baby's Gender?

baby predictor The female reproductive system (or female genital system) contains two main parts: the uterus, which hosts the developing fetus, produces vaginal and uterine secretions, and passes the male's sperm through to the fallopian tubes; and the ovaries, which produce the female's egg cells.chinese gender calendar These parts are internal; the vagina meets the external organs at chinese pregnancy calendarthe vulva, which includes the labia, clitoris and urethra. The vagina is attached to the uterus through the cervix, while the uterus is attached to the ovaries via the Fallopian tubes. At certain intervals, the ovaries release an ovum, which passes through the Fallopian tube into the uterus.chinese baby calendar

predicting baby gender If, in this transit, it meets with sperm, the sperm penetrate and merge with the egg, fertilizing it. The fertilization usually occurs in the oviducts, but can happen in the uterus itself. The zygote then implants itself in the wall of the uterus, where it begins baby gender test the processes of embryogenesis and morphogenesis. When developed enough to survive outside the womb, the cervix dilates and contractions of the uterus propel the fetus through the birth canal, which is the vagina. baby gender

wives tales baby gender The ova are larger than sperm and have formed by the time a female is born. am i having a boy or girlApproximately every month, a process of oogenesis matures one ovum to be sent down the Fallopian tube attached to its ovary in anticipation of fertilization. If not fertilized, this egg is flushed out of the system through menstruation.
This calculator will predict your baby's sex. Your lunar age is automatically calculated. chinese calendar boy or girl
Childbirth dot org brings you an amazing quiz to help you predict the sex of your baby. Try the girl or boy gender predictor!
Other sites offer free baby gender prediction using a simpler version of the Chinese chart. At Babyworld, all you have to do is enter your age and the baby gender calendar
Tell in advance whether your baby will be a boy or a girl. This predictor is based on an ancient chinese astrology.
4 Jan 2008. Can expectant parents predict the color of their baby's eyes? Eye color is a fascinating topic that has mystified researchers for years.boy or girl predictor

Prince or Princess Guide Book by Alicia Pennington Review - What's Inside?

The Prince or Princess Guide written by midwife Alicia Pennington is a comprehensive guide to natural baby gender selection. Thousands of women worldwide, of all ages and nationalities, have followed the 100% natural gender swaying techniques covered in this guide to successfully conceive the baby boy or girl they wanted.

The Prince or Princess Guide method has a super impressive success rate of over 94%.

The Prince or Princess Guide contains 40 pages of concise, easy-to-understand information detailing the simple, 100% natural techniques you can use to choose the sex of your baby.

Here's a sample of what you'll discover in the Prince or Princess Guide Book:

* How to manipulate the factors that influence fertility to dramatically increase your chances of conceiving the baby gender of your choice.
* How to calculate your ovulation date accurately and use this knowledge to determine the gender of your baby.
* How timing of your sexual intercourse in tune with your fertility cycle can sway the odds of conceiving a boy or a girl in your favor.
* How to control the pH levels in your body that make a difference in whether you conceive a boy or a girl.
* How you can control which sperm (X or Y chromosome) fertilizes the egg to conceive a boy or a girl.
* What foods you should eat to boost your chances of conceiving a girl or boy.
* How sexual positions affect gender selection and which sexual positions are best for conceiving either a girl or boy baby.
* How a woman's orgasm affects the gender of the baby.
* Why 87% of couples are using the wrong baby gender selection methods and how to avoid making the same mistakes!

If you want to use natural baby gender selection methods that have a proven record of successfully delivering thousands of couples the baby boy or girl of their dreams, the Prince or Princess Guide is where you will find the answers you need...
Predicting Baby Gender - Can You Really Choose Your Baby's Gender?

Using Morning Sickness as a Baby Gender Predictor.

Women who have bad morning sickness during pregnancy are more likely to have girls than boys. This was found to be the case by scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The study of women who were pregnant found that out of the women affected with severe morning sickness 44 percent conceived boys compared to the 56 per cent who conceived girls.

The research found that women carrying girls have a higher level of a hormone which is called human chorionic gonadotropin, this can cause morning sickness.

Smoking as a Baby Gender Predictor

There was a study performed in Scandinavia which looked into parents who smoked. The study found that if couples smoked it would lower their chances of conceiving a boy.

It was discovered that (Y) male sperm are more sensitive when introduced to a smoking environment than the (X) girl sperm.

Using Physical characteristics as a Baby Gender Predictor

A study was done at Liverpool University which looked at the length of couples fingers! It was found that couples who both have long ring fingers have a greater chance of having a boy. Long ring fingers is an indication that there is a higher than average testosterone levels.

Another study in New Zealand at the Auckland University found that assertive women are more prone to conceiving a boy (80 per cent). Assertive women have higher levels of testosterone.

Family situation as a Baby Gender Predictor

A study performed by the US National Bureau of Economic Research discovered that couples who were living together or married before conception were slightly more prone to conceiving a boy than those who did not.

A theory for this may be that (Y) male sperm are not as boisterous as the (Y) female sperm. The male sperm need more nurturing and caring for during pregnancy to survive. Therefore, a woman in a solid relationship may be better equipped to care for her child more during pregnancy.

Careers as a Baby Gender Predictor

A survey performed at the London School of Economics discovered that women with more 'masculine' jobs, such as engineering had a greater chance of conceiving a boy while women with a more caring or 'feminine' career, such as nursing or teaching, were more likely to conceive a girl.

Folk lore theory as a Baby Gender Predictor

There are a few mathematical theories according to folk lore. The more popular one combines the mother's age when conception took place with the month number (for example: May is 5, for fifth month on the calendar) she conceived.

If the resulting number is even, then the baby is a boy, while odd indicates a girl.

The Old Wives' Tales as a Baby Gender Predictor

There are so many old wives tales out there. Here are just a few: More likey to be carrying a boy if carrying the baby low, craving protein or salty food, have dry skin and be more prone to headaches.

On the other hand women are more likely to be carrying a girl if they crave sweet foods, carry high, suffer with mood swings, have dull hair during pregnancy.

For more information on a baby gender test and to help you choose the gender of your baby visit my Baby Gender lens and to visit my blog, Mom Is Blogging

Of course I almost forgot the good old hair test as a Baby Gender Predictor

The hair test is a very old wive tale (a common one). A wedding ring needs to be tied to a strand of the mother's hair and then suspended over her bump.

Then if the ring moves in circles it indicates the women is carrying a boy. Whereas, if it sways from side to side, this indicates the woman is carrying a girl.

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